Importance of quality of life and job satisfaction in current working conditions

Review article


  • Mendoza-Mestanza Geanella Vanessa Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, UCSG. Guayaquil, Ecuador.



Quality of life, , well-being, work, satisfaction, happiness


The evaluation of the quality of life is made around factors such as emotional well-being, wealth and material well-being, health, work and other forms of productive activity, family and social relationships, security and integration with the community. Each of these elements can be analyzed from an objective and subjective perspective. On the other hand, job satisfaction is associated with well-being. For this reason, the purpose of the manuscript is to discuss the bibliography related to job satisfaction and quality of life, as well as its relevance in current work conditions. In particular, the significant factors of working life are organizational culture, the value system, interpersonal relationships, career opportunities, sense of personal recognition, balance between personal life and work. In conclusion, the quality of work life completely covers current work conditions that promote physical, social, economic satisfaction and the psychological needs of employees, in relation to the success of the organization.

Keywords: Quality of life, well-being, work, satisfaction, happiness.


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How to Cite

Mendoza-Mestanza, G. V. (2018). Importance of quality of life and job satisfaction in current working conditions: Review article. GESTAR Arbitrated Scientific Journal in Health Research. ISSN: 2737-6273., 1(2), 10-24.